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Missed the best part of the Super Bowl?
Have no fear—you can catch all of this year’s commercials right here!

Check out The Echo’s highlights below:

Ferris Bueller Honda commercial
By Alex Levine
One of the best commercials of Super Bowl XLVI was the Ferris Bueller Honda commercial. It was about a man who wanted to take a day off from work and drive his new Honda CR-V. It starred the original Ferris Bueller, Mathew Broderick, as he recreated the movie in 2012. Some of the scenes were when he sings in a parade and at the end of the commercial when the valet parker went crazy driving the vehicle. In my opinion, this commercial was very entertaining because viewers would easily be able to spot the movie similarities.

Bud hockey flash mob commercial
By Madison Irwin
When it comes to the super bowl, everyone knows that the commercials compete with each other every year. This year, the number one commercial is Budweiser’s Hockey ‘Flash Mob’ ad, which was no surprise (considering that most Americans, including older adults, watch it).  In this commercial, two rec-league hockey teams in Ontario are surprised by a flash mob of fans that flood into the arena. The crowd suddenly erupts into this big commotion, along with a dancing chicken, goal sirens, and confetti at the end. You can tell that the players are extremely happy. Although there is no actual message, it’s just an instance of doing something nice for people and doing it up huge. Ultimately, it’s a nice feel-good commercial.

Dannon yogurt and John Stamos make ad for world...
Without saying a word
 By Melissa Davies
John Stamos acts in a commercial for Dannon Yogurt accompanied by his wife.  The commercial brings a very flirtatious vibe to the viewers. It starts with John Stamos teasing his wife by ating like he will give her a spoonful of yogurt, but then slickly stealing the spoon away and eating it himself.  However, it ends with a very humorous take of Stamos's wife head-butting him and stealing the yogurt for herself.  The commercial is also silent with no vocals in it.  This is so that Dannon can use it for multiple countries.  The country it will appear in has the oppurtunity to dub over the commercial, or just use it as is.  The silent and funny commercial by Dannon Yogurt is a very clever take.

Coca-Cola polar bear Super Bowl commerical
By Mike Avakian
            Something interesting that most people can infer from the recent Coca-Cola commercials is that they are targeting children. The commercial series features 3-D pixar-esque polar bears who are dying to get their paws on a cold Coke. Some of the ads are visibly in a series. One, called Superstition features a couple of bears sitting in a cave watching the game. One of the bears is very stressed so they bear that he is sitting with hands him a Coke to calm his nerves. Next, we se a bear walking out of the cave and his friend throws him a coke, we believe the bear will not make the catch because he starts slipping around and knocking other bears over but in the end he makes the miraculous catch and the ad ends.  

Beckham’s Super Bowl commercial
By Natalie Tasci
The best superbowl commercial was David Beckham’s H&M commercial. This commercial is definitely effective to attracting women. David Beckham is extremely good looking and attractive. Everybody knows who he is and using a celebrity endorsement efficiently gets consumers to want the product. Men watching the commercial would also want to get the product because they want to be like David Beckham.

Betty White commercial impresses many
By Lauren Tom
            Every year, commercials for the Super Bowl try to top each other. One of the highlights of this year commercial was the one featuring the infamous Betty White. The commercial was mainly about advertising for the new season of The Voice. The famous judges of the show; Blake Shelton, Cee Lo Green, Adam Levine, and Christina Aguilera are seen in the scenario hearing a beautiful voice singing. Just like the show, we see them fighting each other to get to that voice. Instead of using slander and words to each other like on the show, we see them karate chopping and doing whatever it takes for one of them to get to the person singing first. When finally all of them race into the room where the voice is coming from, out steps Betty White from the shower in a white robe saying, “It’s about time somebody wanted me for my voice…and not my body.”
By Julia Romano
            My favorite commercial was The Voice one. It was like an action film with Betty White. It started off with Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, and Cee Lo Green throwing each other across a hotel lobby. Then they are all in a bed room and Betty White shows up. I thought it was really funny.

Sketchers commercial
By Linda Buffington
            One of the better commercials from the Super Bowl this year was the Sketchers shoe commercial. It started out with greyhound dogs getting ready to race. Then at the end of the line is a cute little dog that is slowly jogging. He was wearing mini red running shoes on all four paws. As the race starts the dog named Mr. Quiggly is in last place, but then the shoes give him a burst of speed and he wins, moon-walking across the finish line. It was cute and also one of the only commercials that I saw.

The dog strikes back
By Darien Delgado
This commercial begins with a car zooming past a dog laying on the couch, he goes to give chase but finds he can’t fit through the dog door and begins to exercise. Then when he chases the car finally it zooms out and you find yourself in the star wars cantina or bar. With alien character that any fan could remember from the very first movie, then the alien decides he likes the current commercial more so than that of last years with the little kid turning on the car. This commercial was lacking in the end because it depended on the audience remembering something from last year. 

Yellow car, favorite Super Bowl commercial of many
By Alexandra Hernandez
My favorite Super Bowl commercial was the one about a kid graduating High School and his parents decide to buy him a mini fridge as a gift. They give it to him on his front lawn in front of a beautiful yellow convertible Mustang. The kid thinks that his parents got him the car instead of the mini fridge. It turns out that the yellow car belonged to his neighbor. I personally thought that this was one of the best commercials that night.
By Lauren Foner
The yellow car commercial was hysterical because the son thought his parents bought him this amazing sports car, but they really bought him this white run down truck.  They look at each other saying how they don’t know how to tell him they didn’t buy him the car.  Meanwhile, the son’s girlfriend is boasting and saying they will get married because of this car and his friends are so excited. The car is actually the neighbor’s car so the neighbor gets in and drives away with it!  The son freaks out and says, “Mr. Smith is driving away with my car!” The parents are stuck on how to tell their son it wasn’t his car, and the commercial ends.    

Review of top Super Bowl commercials
By Eric Ackerman
            Out of all the commercials played, I did have my fair share of favorites. That one really sexy Valentine’s Day commercial had all the sex appeal that a male football fan was looking for. After the women were treated to the David Beckham one, it was the guy’s turn to have a favorite commercial. The child in me enjoyed the MetLife commercial featuring pretty much every cartoon character in creation. The film buff part of me loved seeing Darth Vader in an all too familiar cantina. And the classic film lover in me of course enjoyed seeing Betty White, Clint Eastwood, and Elton John make appearance. But my all time favorite was seeing Ferris Bueller return in another day off.    

Super Bowl XLVI commercial let down
By Santiago Garzon
I thought that the commercials this year didn’t even come close to the commercials of previous years.  There were a few funny ones but most were a disappointment; some didn’t even make sense.  I liked the commercial with the Camaro and mini-fridge.  Also, the Accura commercial with Jerry Seinfeld was pretty funny.  Doritos had pretty good ones but nothing like last years’.   Thankfully the game made up for the disappointing commercials.

Halloween, a look back and a look forward
By Eric Ackerman

      When I was in elementary school and even early on in middle school, Halloween
for my friends and me was all about the trick-or-treating, costume parties, jack-o’-
lanterns, telling not so scary stories, and bragging about what scary movie we had just
watched on television.
      But that was then, and while I cannot exactly speak for my friends, that is
no longer the Halloween that I celebrate. I no longer go door to door asking for a
Halloween treat. I simply eat all the leftover candy that I buy and do not give away. It
has been years since I attended at a costume party. However, I do wear a costume to
school on Halloween. It may be the same costume every year, but it saves me the $60
that a costume typically runs.
      Instead of the childhood traditions of Halloween, I have grown and spread my
wings. I now attend the Chiller Theatre Expo, a horror themed autograph show held
in Parsippany every Halloween Weekend. Chiller is a form of trick-or-treating. Fans
arrive at the Parsippany Hilton, and go table to table to visit with the celebrity guests
and get their autographs. It is just like going door to door and getting candy.
      And instead of sitting through scary movies that when you analyze them, of which
a majority make absolutely no sense, I watch the classic funny Halloween movies. Those
include, It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown; When Good Ghouls Go Bad; Tower of
Terror; The Munsters’ Revenge; and Halloween with the New Addams Family.
      When I see 14-18 year olds trick-or-treating, I shake my head in some sort of
wonder/puzzlement/laughter. It is not up to me to condemn someone else’s Halloween
traditions, but at 18, you are an adult and you should act like one. Get a job and buy
your own candy!
      But that’s just my opinion.

Girls' soccer team goes pink in October

Pink girls' soccer jersey.
Photo courtesy of Ms. De Gironimo.

By Jessica ColucciSTAFF WRITER

            When push comes to shove, we shove and push back harder. 
Two years ago my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.  During the time she was going through chemotherapy, soccer was my only escape from everything that was going on in my household.  My soccer team is my family, and they really were there for me through that difficult time.
Ever since my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer I have been very involved with raising awareness about cancer.  This year I wanted to combine the two things I am most passionate about:  soccer and breast cancer awareness. 
The idea came to me at lunch one day in the winter; Alexa Buffington, one of the captains, and I were looking at a magazine for new warm ups.  One of the pages in the magazine had entire uniforms in pink for breast cancer awareness.  I told Alexa that we should do it for October.  Our coach, Señor Salme, said, “It’s a great idea for a great cause.”
Alexa collected the money for the jerseys and put in the order. Our plan has been a big success, and many people think this was a great idea.  In fact, the WHS girls’ soccer team recently had a “pink-out” game where fans came dressed in pink
By going pink for October it shows that we are more than just another girl’s soccer team; we’re a family that is there for one another and for the survivors, the fighters, and the deceased women who suffered from breast cancer.  
Mr. Clancy said, “It’s way of showing support to women who are survivors, who have breast cancer—in the unity of the girls’ program.”
My main focus when helping plan this all out was to raise as much awareness as possible.