By Kaleigh Vuoncino
In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, here are some fun myths pertaining to the fun holiday!
The actual color of St. Patrick is blue. Green became associated with St. Patrick's Day during the 19th century. Green, in Irish legends, was worn by fairies and immortals, and also by people to encourage their crops to grow.
The very first St. Patrick's Day parade was not in Ireland. It was in Boston in 1737.
In Chicago, on St. Patrick's Day, the rivers are dyed green.
In Seattle, there is a ceremony where a green stripe is painted down the roads.
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the highest number of leaves found on a clover is 14.
One estimate suggests that there are about 10,000 regular three-leaf clovers for every lucky four-leaf clover.
Legend says that each leaf of the clover means something: the first is for hope, the second for faith, the third for love and the fourth for luck.
St. Patrick's Day is considered the luckiest day of the year to get married.
Fun facts courtesy of and
By Madison Irwin
Ever had a dream that made you wonder, “why in the heck did I dream that?” Well, if you are curious and want to figure out what your dreams mean, then you should read this. Below is a list (in no particular order) of the top ten most occurring dreams and the meanings behind them.
Car Troubles- These types of dreams usually involve being in or near a car, which is out of control or has other problems that seem overwhelming. It does not matter if you are the driver or the passenger. For example, in your dream, the brakes may have failed, you may have lost control of the steering, or you may be heading over a cliff. This very common type of nightmare can occur in people who drive and those who don’t drive, as well. This dream means that you are feeling powerless over something in your life or that you are heading for some kind of crash (not literally).
Faulty Machinery- In these dreams, you are trying to fix mechanical equipment which can either fail to work, or fail to work in the way that you expect. These dreams can involve a telephone (like trouble dialing on the phone or losing connection) or the internet. This often means that you feel you are losing touch with reality, or that a part of your body or mind isn’t functioning as it should be.
Lost or trapped- Dreaming about being lost is common and it usually occurs when you are having conflict in deciding how to react in a situation in real life. In this dream, you are usually trying to find your way out of an area, such as a forest or a large building. This can include being trapped, buried alive, or unable to move for some reason. This usually means that you are trapped in real life and unable to make the right choice.
Missed a boat or plane- In this type of dream you are rushing to catch some kind of public transport, such as a train, but miss it, usually by a fraction of a second. You may experience feelings of frustration rather than fear, in this dream. There are other forms of this, as well. An example would be that you arrived late to an important event or performance. This dream usually means that you feel that you have missed out on an important opportunity in your real life. It will often occur when you are struggling over an important decision.
Failing a test- In this dream, you are prevented from passing a test in a variety of possible scenarios. You could be unprepared (didn’t study) or missing equipment. It means that you are feeling tested in some way in reality. Also, you may feel that you are unprepared for something or playing the wrong part in life.
Ill or dying- In this dream (you or a loved one) is ill, injured, or dying. This is very common and actually often occurs at the onset of an illness. In one instance, it could mean that you are emotionally hurt or are afraid of becoming hurt. It may also be warning you of an upcoming physical risk to yourself or a loved one. When you dream of someone else dying, it means that you wish that person would go away or that you fear losing them.
Being chased- In these types of dreams, you are often chased by a monster or some person that is frightening. This is the most commonly experienced nightmare theme. These dreams mean that someone or something is making you feel threatened. Sometimes this dream is a replay of an actual event in your life.
Bad or missing teeth- Teeth dreams usually involve the discovery of extremely decayed or missing teeth in your own mouth. Basically, it means that we are afraid of being found unattractive. At a deeper level, it can signify a fear of embarrassment or a loss of power in real life.
Nudity dream- In this type of dream, you are either in a state of undress, partial undress, or inappropriate dress, such as wearing pajamas to work. Feelings of embarrassment and shame often occur. This means that you are feeling exposed, awkward, vulnerable, or afraid that you have revealed too much of yourself in a real life situation.
Falling or sinking- This is one of the most common dreams among all of them. In this dream, you are usually falling through the air and frightened. Occasionally, you may be sinking through water. This means that you may feel insecure. These dreams occur usually when you are overwhelmed in life and feel ready to give up.
Have a dream you’d like to share? Post a comment!
The Echo says welcome back from winter break! Check out what the staff was up to this Presidents' Week.